Ruby Teys | Dog C**T
Join the crew at Good Chat Comedy Club for an hour with the hilarious and chaotic, Ruby Teys!
Channel 7’s favourite psychic medium once told comedic genius Ruby Teys to stop rescuing dogs.
“You only ever go for the dumb dogs that need help. Too much bark, not enough bite. Stop rescuing these lousy dogs!”
Ruby, having never rescued a dog in her life, asked for a full refund from this mysterious fortune teller with the velvet cape, oily purple perm and flashy Proud’s Jewellers collection on display.
It wasn’t until months later, Ruby realised these mongrel dogs weren’t limited to the literal canine kind.
In 2019, Ruby scored the breakout role of Bali’s most iconic big sister ‘Mercedes Corby’ in the indie smash hit comedy musical “Schapelle, Schappelle!”
Little did she know, after three long years of touring around Australia she’d be raced to Tweed Heads Emergency Centre in the back of a Toyota Camery taking selfies, losing consciousness and almost bleeding to death in the backseat.
The only thing holding her together? The two strong hands of… Mercedes Corby… herself!
A show where art pierces the artery, near death imitates art, worlds collide and arteries divide, but most of all… A story of survival against all dogs.
From the co-creator of Mystery Flight, Schappelle Schapelle!, Show Us Ya Tips, The Sloppy Shelia’s, Ghiathora + Maharlia- The Spiritual Healing Experience, Goin Troppo and The Root Of All Evil Podcast.
Ruby Teys presents DOG C**T